In short, our mission is to relieve pain through providing comprehensive, quality and cost-effective medical care by fellowship trained and board certified pain management anesthesiologists. With expertise in advanced interventional pain management techniques and integrated traditional Chinese acupuncture, our goal is the successful treatment of patients who suffer from acute, chronic, and cancer pain disorders.
As a pain specialist, I do not believe the old saying, “No pain, No gain.” Athletes often endure pain after training in order to achieve muscular gain. However, this is unacceptable for patients suffering from pain disorders. There are various reasons for the cause of pain. The more we understand pain, the more complex it becomes. Early diagnosis and treatment are important to preventing irreversible changes that lead to chronic suffering. The choices of diagnostic and treatment techniques are sophisticated and far more advanced than just pain killer pills. Pain is often under-treated and ignored by health care providers and family members. Patients who experience pain meanwhile may suffer from such under-treatment. As scientists discover more about the origin of pain, newer and more advanced medication and techniques develop, and as healthcare providers specializing in pain management, we seek to implement such advances to the benefit of our patients.
At Pacific Comprehensive Pain Management, we combine traditional Chinese acupuncture with modern-day medicine for a truly effective treatment for some cases.
By integrating advanced pain management techniques with other specialties, we are able to provide the best personal care for your pain. For victims of pain: We can help you manage your pain so you can start gaining back your life and dignity.